Daily Archives: September 15, 2011

Mummy Tummy

I know what you’re thinking…Egypt was SO last month…but I promise this is the final post and I’ll do my best to keep it short and sweet.

Before I begin, I just want to talk about the food in Egypt.

It was delicious and Andrew and I devoured it every chance we got. Hummos, and falafel and baba ganoush and spicy cheese and pita bread, my oh my. It was nothing short of perfection and we continued to exclaim our admiration with each passing meal…at least until day 5.

By now, it should come at no surprise that being married to Andrew requires me to be adventurous. I knew this from the start. However, there are times when I just want to pull the plug on the must-see-and-experience-everything-machine also known as my husband.

Day 5 of Egypt was no exception.

We returned home from the balloon ride disaster before 6am. While for most, this would mean jumping back into bed until noon, Andrew had mapped out an entire day for us that required us to go right to breakfast and then out the door.

All the while, I had visions of pulling the plug.

So, when he miraculously mentioned being tired, I jumped at my chance. I eagerly suggested a morning at the hotel – we could go to the pool or write postcards or read books or SLEEP – anything but walk around in sweltering heat being hassled by the locals please. When he casually agreed to this, I was floored, but chose not to overreact.

Then at breakfast, he mentioned again how tired he felt and this time he added a tummy ache to the description of his physical state. Within a few minutes, he needed to lay down. Feeling bad for the poor guy, I tucked him into bed and tried not to smile too wide at the tan I was about to work on. The plug had been pulled and the pool was calling my name.

I quickly threw on my suit and kissed him good-bye promising to check on him often. Then, before I even made it to the elevators, my tummy rumbled.

Within 10 minutes we were both completely incapacitated. While I admittedly tend to be a bit of a drama queen, there are no theatrics necessary on this one. At one point, I was sobbing and I think the words out of my mouth were literally along the lines of “why God why?”.

Instead of 2 more days of sightseeing, we spent 48 hours in a hotel room with (appropriately named in the guide book) mummy tummy retching and watching Garden State on the only English channel they had (I think it played at least 3 times).

The overeaten delicious Egyptian food and the-being-happy-that-my-husband-is-sick-so-I-can-get-a-tan bad karma made it’s point. Loud and clear. I promised Choq and myself and the mummy tummy gods to never eat/wish the same again.


There you have the end of our Egyptian adventure. I have never been happier to see something come to an end. On the bright side (because there always is one even when you have mummy tummy), I did shed a few pounds making all the wine and saganaki awaiting us in Greece a little less sinful.